
Saturday, February 9, 2019

The Fat Lady Essay -- character Analysis, Dr. Yalom, Betty

The round out wench Book ReportIn the third story of Loves Executioner The Fat lady, Dr. Yalom decides to treat a twenty-seven year old leaden woman named, Betty. Though Dr. Yalom was reluctant to treat Betty at first cod to her being overweight, Dr. Yalom decided to put his counter- directence issues aside and views treating Betty as a counsel to improve his skills as a therapist. Not only does Dr. Yalom learn passim working with Betty that there was much substance to her than he had initially had thought, as throughout the course of treatment Dr. Yalom connected with Betty, overcoming his counter-transference issues, while helping her reveal the pathology of her depression and the reasons for her binge eating.During Betty and Dr. Yaloms first initial meeting, Yalom is taken patronage by Bettys physical appearance as he goes into declared detail for his distaste for fat woman as he states, I always been repelled by fat women. I find them disgusting their wet sidewise wadd le, their absence of body contour, breasts, buttocks, shoulders, jaw lines, and cheekbones, everything I like to cover in a woman obscured in an avalanche of flesh. (Yalom, 2000 p. 94) Dr. Yalom then asks Betty what is worrying her, which she tells Yalom that she has been depressed since she has moved to California due to a job transfer and her eating has been out of control. Dr. Yalom, realizing his counter transference issues may make it threatening for him to relate, or even treat Betty, instead views Betty as a gainsay of being able to overcome his aversion toward fat women and decides to wholeheartedly slide by all the time and dedication into treating her. (Yalom, 2000)In the next few sessions, Dr. Yalom finds Bettys endless chatter about her life unin... ...anged embarrassing Yalom admits he did not feel comfortable with heavy people. Betty berates Dr. Yalom, telling him that he never erstwhile touched her in the whole therapy session, let alone look at her directly f or the first six months. Betty then lets Yalom know that ironically she as well cannot stand fat people either which is the reason wherefore she has hates groups. Dr. Yalom then gives her a hug, surprised that he is able to put his ordnance store around the once obese two hundred and fifty dumbfound woman. Not only in the end did Dr. Yalom learn to move by his counter-transference issues he had with fat women, but he grew with his patient as they some(prenominal) took something away from therapy, Dr. Yalom became more empathetic towards Bettys despite her initial obese appearance. As with Betty as she not only lost weight, but she became more confident in herself and intimate with others.

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