
Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Intellectual Property of Islamic civilization in Andalusia Essay

Intellectual Property of Islamic civilization in Andalusia - taste ExampleCordoba attracted Intellectual giants like Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Ibn Sina (Avicenna), Ibn Zuhr (Avenzoar), Al-Khwarizmi (Algorizm) and Al-Razi (Razes) to name a few, were all Muslims educated in Al-Andalus. In the 700 years that they have been in Europe, the Muslims of Al-Andalus produced a great civilisation that was far ahead and more advance than the oddment of Europe at that time.Many tribes, religions and races coexisted in al-Andalus, each contributing to the intellectual prosperity of Andalusia. Literacy in Islamic Iberia was far more widespread than any other country of the West. Today also, unlike other Muslim inhabitants of elsewhere , the southern Spain which was known as Muslim Spain is far ahead and distinct in commandment and thinking.The properity and peace of Andalusi is marked by intellectual advancement specially in field of education and shift works.In the 10th century, the city of Cord oba had 700 mosques, 60,000 palaces, and 70 libraries, the largest of which had up to 600,000 books. In comparison, the largest library in Christian Europe at the time had no more than 400 manuscripts, while the University of Paris library still had only 2,000 books afterward in the 14th century. In addition, as many as 60,000 treatises, poems, polemics and compilations were published each year in Al-Andalus. In comparison, modern Spain published 46,330 books per year as of 1996. The historian Said Al-Andalusi wrote that Caliph Abd-ar-Rahman III had store libraries of books and granted patronage to scholars of medicine and ancient sciences. Later, al-Mustansir (Al-Hakam II) went yet further, building a university and libraries in Crdoba. Crdoba became one of the worlds leading centres of medicine and philosophical debate. The subjects covered by the texts included medicine, astrology, astronomy pharmacology, psychology, physiology, zoology, biology, botany, mineralogy, optics, che mistry, physics, mathematics, algebra, geometry, trigonometry,

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